If your a sports fan and you think about this show during a football or other game your team will suck if you think about this show it’s bad luck
I’m think about Carly kissing Freddie on ICarly oh dang it strikeout my fantasy baseball guy crap
by MabFatz December 28, 2017
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When a girl (or man/non-binary) has a person simping for them, only to reject them for a period of time and then get upset when their ego booster wants to get into a relationship with someone else who isn't them (despite them showing disinterest in the first place). This is behavior the protagonist of Icarly showcased towards a male character.
"Hailey's upset I wanna date Cassandra even though she's been rejecting me for the past month or so."
"She has Icarly-Syndrome. Don't worry about it."
by A random nobody :) December 21, 2021
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An unusual case in which a dorky boy becomes manly over the course of puberty. This also seems to blondes, so as to say water the crops. However, said effect leaves young maidens of the brunette completely unaffected.
Person1: What happened? Freddy got hot, Sam did too and Carly, meh.

Person2: That's the ICarly effect for ya.
by PimpDaddyMacShuffleMaster August 24, 2014
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spell icarly without the car

girl: icarly without the car :)

other person: awe ilyt :)
by somebodiesdaughter April 23, 2021
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A crazy fan who stalks Miranda Cosgrove and needs to get a life
All who claims that they are the #1 iCarly fan in the world are faggots who stalk a 17 year old girl
by PersonAboveMeIsA.B November 27, 2010
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Girl: Who's that?
Boy: Julie Duncan!
Girl: Huh?
Boy: The #1 iCarly Fan in the World!
Girl: OHH!!!!!!
by imkoolerthanu November 24, 2010
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The word for one person in your friend group that says the most random shit. They’re so iCarly.
Dude 1: Pickles smell nice.
Dude 2: You always say the most random crap. That was so iCarly.
by Boxyoga August 24, 2021
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