The white stringy bits of goo that come out of the vagina
Person 1 "I was about to go down on her but then I saw the biggest Goomba of my life."
Person 2 "Dang she need to get tested"
by Jdog99999969 February 7, 2022
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Just the fucking worst. A goomba is truly the dumbest, lamest, fucker you will ever meet. Completely worthless. The word can be used in a variety of ways:

Goomba maybe be used as a racial slur against the jews as well. Thank the lord because we can never have enough of those.
Look at those goombas over there, they are stealing from the temple!
by The True Goomba Killer February 20, 2011
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A small, brown, mushroom like creature that resides only in the Mushroom Kingdom. Most are minions of Bowser but some have become renigade goombas (as seen in paper mario) they are underrated and should rise up and star in there own video game and destroy bowser once and for all. They only die when a fatass jumps on there head or if there set ablaze by a crazy pyro mother fucker
Mario: Oh look Luigi a goomba.
Luigi: Lets kill it Mario!
Mario and Luigi jump on goomba and kill it
by Brook Park Runner October 17, 2008
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A Goomba, best known for being the little mushroom guys on super mario brothers has in fact grown to become more than just a description for a sideways walking creature. Everyone has seen a Goomba walk before their very eyes as they pass them on the street or at school but they just didn't know it at the time. A Goomba is one who despite looking normal (or not) does something that annoys you or is just a really awkward person to be around resulting in you calling them a "Goomba." It can also be used to say such phrases as, "Goomba, Goomba," just out of pure pleasure.
"Wow, he is definately a goomba."
by Akbham April 29, 2008
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A slang term for psychedelic (magic) mushrooms. A direct reference to the villains from the Super Mario Bro's series.
Vinnie and Andy be on them Goomba's nomatter where tf they gotta be. They crazy af

I took too many Goomba's last Tuesday and I'm still shitting.
by un double June 21, 2016
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1. may be a word to replace hater or trick in a conversation
2.a mushroom like creature from the early levels of the popular Nintendo platformer, Mario brothers
man 1- dude you gotta lemme listen to yo ipod beezy
man 2-bitch you don't know my life
man 1- damn breh you a prick-ass goomba
man 2- youre a retarded prick-ass mark beezy
by Forrestobalmano May 11, 2009
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