The point in which ones eyes are as glossy as they can be and most likely laughing
by Clint beastowood February 3, 2019
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A nigga so shiny that when the sun reflect off one, it blinds any onlooker.
That nigga was so gloss black, I’m now legitimately blind.
by Hugoboss420 June 27, 2019
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high gloss
a type of peron having extreme smoothness and excellent radiance.

~She's so high gloss!
by leahwalbridge April 5, 2014
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To hit a nigguh that is talking shit with such force it makes him unable to speak
nigguh kept talk shit on my girl so gave him a gloss jaw
by A real niggazz4realzz January 5, 2014
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Someone who collects lip glosses for a living
Oh my god.. she’s such a gloss whore! I love it <3 xoxo
by Xiophelia March 28, 2022
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Metal that is inspired by pop but retains it's essence of heaviness and technical playing. Also characterised by glossier/ poppy aesthetics in the music video.
Eg: The new Architects, Unprocessed.
by witty_donor November 14, 2020
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A line of haircare products available to stylists and for home use. Also a recent quandary on my FaceBook page.
"Did you see that hair?" "He must be using BRAZILLIAN GLOSS"
by Salient1503 April 21, 2010
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