The combination of fucking and ugly, making something look even more ugly than it already is
Jill- OMG did u just see that guy?!
Jane- Yea that nigga was FUGLY!!!
by Lol smiley face hahahaha September 17, 2011
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Every one else is wrong the correct definition is:
Fugly Fuckable but ugly.
Damn dude that girl you took home last nite was FUGLY!
by Jay Manwhat June 17, 2007
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Fucking Ugly. A person, object or place that is so beyond hideous, you can't just use ugly.
Does that girl understand how fugly that outfit is?
by AymeeJ June 28, 2006
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Word made up of "funny-looking" or "fuckable" and "ugly".
"Fugly" DOES NOT mean "fucking ugly", that is, exceptionally ugly.
"Fugly" denotes a girl who is generally unattractive, but nonetheless has someting endearing (in line with "funny-looking") or desirable (in line with "fuckable")about her.

When used by a female to describe another female, it has a negative connotation, but is more specific and subtle than ugly: "weird looking", "conditionally pretty". Ergo the example from the film Mean Girls (by no stretch of the imagination can Lindsay Lohan be described as "fucking ugly").
When used by a male to describe a female to another male, the connotation is positive: "Diane's got that weird chin thing going on... but she's fugly, I wouldn't mind hitting that shit..."
by KJMLVR March 24, 2009
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a word that mean fucking ugly
my teacher is fugly
by veronica234 December 11, 2008
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Describes something/someone that is fucking ugly
Damn she is fugly!
What a fugly baby.
by Kei kun May 29, 2006
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