The face you make when you fuck.
Guy1:"yoo dude. My girl was so fuck faced last night."
Guy2"Aww sweet."
by ElissaEcstasy March 22, 2009
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The strongest man in the multiverse and can control black holes and master the art of dark void; also known as Lanz Marzan
Lanz Marzan destroyed pluto because he liked 8 planets only; fuck-face
by Mr G12345 November 5, 2020
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The act of Fucking some -(usually chicks) ones face. The act of fellatio, but without permission, or the face you make when you Cum.
Occaisionally used in the derogatory: hey FUCK FACE!
shit check out that dude fuck her face!

Ooooohhhhh, my fuck face.. (or Oh face)

by leichenhalle August 30, 2003
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man, you fuckin fuck faces need to fuckin shut the fuck up before i motherfuck you over, fuck!
by niggasense May 31, 2004
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A person who has annoyed you, is annoying you or is taking the piss.
Brian is being smug and taking the piss out of your new boyfriend and you say

'Shut up fuck face'

In this example 'fuck face' is used as a gentle insult
by Liz_intheknow May 4, 2006
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Acting like you're better then other people just to get a laugh.

Treating people like shit online just to make yourself look better.
Q: Did you see what that guy is SWG said?

A: Yeah, he sure is a Fuck Face.

Statement: Man, that guy is such a Fuck Face for treating her like that.

Statement: Damn dude, you're such a FF for doing that.

Statement: If I did that to someone you'd be calling me a Fuck Face right now.
by MrSplinter November 11, 2010
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When a man or woman fucks someone in the nostrils mouth eyehole, ears over and over
and the face is damaged PERMANTLY
Dan:Hey baby you want me to stop doing this fuck face on you?
Jenny: MMMMMM taste like chicken.
Dan: You ok.
Jenny: I'm blinded!
I can't smell anymore
by ShoeFucker April 5, 2009
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