an awsome guyy with a big fernando. nd hes always happy nd ssmiling,, all the girlss love him nd is somewhat haory below the waist.. nd can sometimes lie; he thinks he has a shaniqua too,, has many many friends nd has a large shfincterr =D a very trustworthy person with a whole lot of storyys. nd tells ppl to call him an asshole all the time,, but in reality is a kind person.
heyy babee,, have you seen the new frankie in town??
by larry hartmen February 22, 2009
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a gorgeous female who is sweet and brave
Damn she’s so brave and gorgeous!
bet her name is frankie
by Dough hfs Mia November 13, 2018
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Frankie - A beautiful person inside an out. She gets attached to people who really cares for her. Which is why she makes the best of friends. Super kind hearted and you’d be lucky if you meet her in person for she is shy. Most people love being around her since she’s so fun to talk to and caring to be around with. For those who do meet her always smile.
I love being around Frankie.
by The person who cares. November 24, 2020
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A beautiful and unique girl who overthinks. People don’t mind what she looks like nor how her body is shaped. She’s beautiful in anyway possible. Very nice person to be around for she is never judging another. She gets attached to her friends and overthinks if she is left alone. A rare girl to find...
You’ll be lucky to Frankie.
by The person who cares. November 24, 2020
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i hate you because youre all i could think about
i hate you because youre all i dream about
i hate because of you i can't concentrate on the more important things in life
i hate you because you are the most important thing in my life..
i hate you because you don't love me as much as i love you.. I NEED YOU SO MUCH
franky franky franky franky franky franky franky franky franky franky franky franky franky franky franky your on my mind all the time
by dunnos March 25, 2005
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Loves the gossip and always wants to know what's going on. Also has big boobs.
hey frankie guess what?

what what what tell me?

your boob just hit me in the face.
by Abbycat January 14, 2010
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