Throwing up fours means that you are the biggest melon head alive. You have no bitches and will never get any. You are the guy who gets a girls number from your friend and proceeds to do nothing but stalk her for the rest of your life. You have 0 rizz and claim you have the smoothest game in the world when we all know you have NO GAME. You spend most of you life on the toilet with an iPad and your best friend... a pornhub premium subscription.
"Did you see Rico throwing up fours after soccer? I always knew he sat on the toilet with his iPad jerking off." " Bro get's no hoes man. I gave him this girls number and he's done nothing but stalked her for the past 5 weeks. He hasn't said a word and claims he has the smoothest game in the world." " Rico is literally on crack, bro gets 0 bitches."
by RainyNightnStoke November 1, 2022
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Throwing up fours means you pull an absolute insane amount of women.
Nick throwing up fours, we know he pulls a load of muff.
by Nickdagoatshoe May 9, 2022
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Someone who throws up fours gets absolutely no hoes
Damn Gavin fr was throwing up fours on his insta, probably gets no hoes
by Oh aight fasho May 9, 2022
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Throwing up fours usually means you get insanely large amounts of bitches.
He’s throwing up fours, that must mean he gets a lot of bitches.
by Jax2tuff April 16, 2022
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