Recently re-acronymized to stand for "Failing my life." on's FAQ. Apparently, people get their panties in a bunch because they think "Fuck my life" is too vulgar, but we all know that FML really stands for fuck my life.
Today re-acronymized fml to stand for "failing my life" rather than "fuck my life." FML
by xwthwthwtfx September 30, 2009
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when something shitty happens to you, like when you trip and fall into a garbage can and your granny panties show

you wouls say FML!
by beyondbuzzed45 September 11, 2009
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Short for Fuck My Life, and is the most over-said phrase that (most) people use in not-bad-at-all situations.
by FMAEL August 25, 2009
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Wow morghyn thats some pretty bomb FML, you add tuna into the beef when you made it?
by CyberNeo July 10, 2010
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Fuck my life. Pretty self explanitory. It's when life gets really hard, and all you want to say is "fuck my life". Coined by the liquor store employee in Superbad.
I have five exams this week....FML (Fuck my life).
by FLAPIMP July 11, 2008
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Internet slang meaning "fuck my life", used mostly by rich snobby teams who think their life sucks any time something remotely unfortunate happens.
This is the worst Martin Luther King Jr. Day ever. I asked my dad for 2 Porsches and a Benz to drive when i turn 16, but he got me 2 Benzes and a Porsche! FML
by j7ke May 26, 2010
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