A person who pays to go to the movies just to act like they're bored and spoil the experience for everyone else in the theatre.
They are unable to sit still for two hours without eating, talking or going to the bathroom. their weapons include noisy candy wrappers, perpetual cellphone conversations and whining about how they don't know what's going on in the movie because they spent the first half of it eating, urinating and talking on the phone.
Popcorn flickers have recently started attending live theatre performances. Thankfully, the house policies of no entry after the performance has started and no food in the auditorium keeps them to a minimum. For now.
Suzie: "Hey John, lets go catch a movie"
John: "Hell no Suzie! It's Saturday afternoon. The movie theatre will be full of Popcorn Flickers"
by Houdinia December 12, 2006
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cunnilingus performed by sticking out ones' tongue and moving it around in a cut loose fashion. not to be confused with the "stalled one".
It was her birthday, so I provided her with some oral stimulation via the flickering one.
by Bob Boston May 9, 2003
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a: VERB- One that enjoys flicking a cats exposed anus while its tail is erected

b: ABJECTIVE- A insultive word suggesting its meaning on the victim
"a: hey greg watch me flick this cat"

"b: man your dad is such a cat flicker"
by evlspcmk October 7, 2006
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Shit flickers are disgustingly trollopy shoes one skank would wear normaly a little poor kid, they are often too big and look like old mens shoes.
WOW...ashley check billy dawes's SHIT FLICKERS!
by JC92 January 15, 2007
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An unorthodox work place maneuver designed to return the responsibility of an assignment, delegated by the office quarterback, back to the office quarterback.
Sam: "The office quarterback tried to hand off more assignments to me today. I audibled flea flicker under pressure."

John: "So, Rob took care of it?"

Sam: "Hells yeah!"
by anon_employee_OTM April 14, 2011
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Someone who has a habit of ghosting you until they want something from you then they suddenly will text you and reply quickly, then once they got what they want they go back to their regular ghosting
Text "Hey Amber, what's up this weekend?" No reply. 2 months later , "Hey Chad, Can I get a ride?" Me "No thanks, don't need a flickering ghost who only talks to me when they want something or it's just about them."
by Chaderbox April 21, 2017
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