Thank you to the wonderful Wroetoshaw, we have a nickname for the very one and only lord KSI: FATNEEK
Simon: are you going for the six or the seven
Harry: can we test the waters of the seven and fall back on the six?
Simon: lets hear it
Harry: Fatneek
Simon: could you spell it please?
Harry: F A T N double E K
Simon: Fatneek, uh could you use it in a sentence please?
Harry: KSi's a Fatneek
by NO WAY THIS HAS BEEN USED April 4, 2021
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Celebrated on the 23rd of April, to commemorate the first saying of fatneek
ayo mum what day is it tomorrow?

oh tomorrow is the 23rd of April, fatneek day
by ligmajason69 June 24, 2022
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When you scream uncontrollably due to something amusing. You may also (in some rare cases) can become a human police siren (if this happens, make sure that you drive to the hospital as soon as possible). In worst cases, your breasts will grow to a huge size which is obviously a plus if you are of the female gender.
2. Why is my boobs so big, finnaly I have extracted some fatneek syndrome from a black man on Youtube!!!
by Fatneekman123 July 9, 2021
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A word used to describe fatneeks
by fatneek360 August 5, 2021
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when ksi is bulking on reddit.
ksi is a fatneek
by Allowitmane April 17, 2022
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