Erica is sweet misery. Ericaz are stubborn as hell, they think too negative, they worry too much, they get irritated easily, they are lazy, and they get jealouz off erybody. However, they will get you hooked on dem lyk phonicz and they will have you hittin rockbottom over dem coz they are the most loving, caring, amazing, wonderful, kinky, passionate, and GORGEOUZ type ov girlz you will ever meet in thiz world. Ericaz will have you and get you through wateva coz they're ride or die chickz. Ericaz are the type ov femalez you can stay fuheva eva with. Erica iz like GOOD MUSIC coz she'z all you wana hear and think about.
"Aye Knucklez, who you roll with?"
"I ROLL wit ERICA alwayz and forever + the dayz after!"
by knucklez CNU May 20, 2009
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A fucking gorgeous, bad ass bitch who sure as hell aint gonna take shit from no one. this bitch is all up in yo business but not in a bad way ;)
hot guy:
holy shit whos that whore.. what a bilf (bitch i'd like to fuck)

Other guy:
Dude thats gotta be an Erica
by bubble-shit March 8, 2013
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The most amazing nice kind hearted girl one could ever meet she's so beautiful one could mistake her for a godess Ericas are also natural born cooks and loved by many but no more than there head over heels boyfriend jared 💖😍
Oh look at that girl across the street she's so beautiful must be an Erica
by Skudmissle92 December 29, 2016
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A really funny and energetic girl who's super good at drawing. She's loyal, but may have some trouble with the law. If there's any negative attention around her it's because other people are just straight rude people.
God, Erica is so good at drawing!
by Mr Cookie Cat October 22, 2016
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the best thing to ever happen to this world.
to be perfect
to be beautiful
amazingly awesome
damn your looking good...almost as good as an erica
by kirstie_08 January 16, 2009
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Erica is always an amazing person and never fails to make you laugh one of her most promising traits is her height she is very tall. Although Erica has good traits she also has the worst ones to balance herself out. Some of these traits include her saying very stupid things and screaming to the top of her lugs usually singing "I want it that way", this leads most people to believe she only has 2 brain cells, but trust me there's more in there.
Pam: My ears are ringing because that tall girl won't stop singing I want it that way
Jim: Don't worry thats just Erica she does that a lot
by 4"8 October 4, 2019
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Erica is a beautiful hottie who loves sweets and can take yo man in 2 secs you better watch out cuz here she comes treat her like you would treat yo favourite food.~peace
Person: Erica so finee

Person 2: stfu
by Venus plant August 5, 2018
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