I hate Elves. They are weak.
by Dwarfs April 26, 2023
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Christmas dwarfs
A jolly dwarf with pointy ears
Frank: Hey did you see Santa's elves?
Tim: Ya, I love little Christmas dwarves
by A jolly mf'r January 28, 2023
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people name elve maketa are known to be hot and astrologically should date girls beginning with a.
omg look its elve maketa and he is with ava!! such a cute coupleee omgg
by avaavaavav April 16, 2022
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To intercept a mans sack and fill it with snowballs; sex act
My girl Tiffany just did an action elves on me last night.
by patriots876 December 18, 2017
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Elving is a great guy. He is polite, kind and very caring. He will make you laugh until you pee on your pants. It's great to talk to him about your problems and anything else in life. He has great hair that flows in the wind and a powerful smile that conquers everyone (even men). If you make him angry, he will hide like a turtle.

He is very easy to talk to and is excellent at video games. He will eat all your food and maybe your mom too. Be careful, he may want to steal your babies and raise them as his own because he doesn't want to wait 9 months to have a child. He loves dogs.

Elving is a stylish guy. He has good smells. He gives good advice. And he gives big hugs too.

If you are mean to his friends, he will get you back. He loves jokes. He likes to be with people to joke badly with others, but in the end he is very funny. When he falls in love, he gives everything for the love of his life, and loves that person to the end.

Be his friend or you will regret it!
Elving likes to have pets
Elving loves to eat
How Elving loves to fall in love with me
by Elving November 24, 2021
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So basically a south side elve is a midget who came from a “dangerous” neighborhood,you typically see them on those shows like WAGS but for little people,where they just argue and shit
“ What the fuck are those midgets doing?!”
“Hey don’t chat shit,they some thicc south side elves”
by fuckmyassburgers December 29, 2017
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Elves disguised as recycling men who come to steal your cardboard for the use of building forts.
Aww man, the cardboard elves took our cardboard again!
by yes?no..maybe February 21, 2011
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