This clever phrase was invented by the bright, young man, Chris Allen. He patented the phrase on July 15, 2007. The phrase, "I don't even know," is quite an unique expression. It can be used as a extreme adjective to describe the undescribable, or it can be used to express thoughts of confusion. It can also be used as a verbal space filler. This phrase will go down as one of the best phrases in all of phraseology history.
"Man, that girl is as ugly as... i don't even know."

"What's going on tonight, bro?"
"I don't even know, man."

((When in a conversation and an awkward silence comes up))
"Yeah, well, I dont even know."
by C.Allen February 23, 2008
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A catch-prashe/slang used by dumb kids who don't know how to express themselves any better.
The hispanic girl on MTV's NEXT kept saying "you don't even knowwww what I'm going to do" and "you don't even knowwww me". But sadly, she didn't even knowwww what she was trying to articulate.
by homelezz January 4, 2007
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When a typical internet loser that knows nothing outside of dated internet memes doesn't understand what you're talking about, this is what they tell you.
What is this I don't even = This isn't one of the six memes I know, so it confuses and/or threatens me
by Downvoting Victim June 11, 2019
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The default response used by someone who is confronted with a truth about themselves that they would rather not face.

This phrase is commonly used by addicts, those with low self esteem and just about anyone else whose biggest fear is that someone else will notice their problem and offer to help.

Using this phrase successfully pushes away anyone wanting to help, and the user ironically ensures that indeed, nobody will ever know them.

In another ironic twist, if someone you know well says this phrase to you, then it means either:

1) they've been lying to you about who they really are (in which case it's their own fault that you don't know them), or

2) they have suddenly and fundamentally changed in the few seconds prior to telling you that you don't know them (in which case they also don't know themselves).

However, the case is usually that they're unobservant, self-absorbed, don't like that you were so easily able to identify their issues and resent the fact that they are unable to pay attention to anything long enough to 'know' it. They assume that everyone else is like this too, which is why they seem so shocked when uttering this phrase.
"I think you've been ignoring your family and you should spend more time with them."
"You don't even know me!"

"I think your drinking is negatively affecting your performance at work."
"You don't even know me!"

"I think you should take a shower because you stink."
"You don't even know me!"
by Jerk Nowitzki April 10, 2008
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An ignorant question made into a statement by people from south of Texas who don't speak very good English.
"You don't even know if you're hiring, right?", "You don't even know, right?"
by Cherry Odelay June 10, 2009
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1. A phrase added onto a sentence or story when the content incites excitement or emotion too extreme to be accurately conveyed by verbal description.

Not to be confused with You don't even know, which suggests that the emotion or sensation cannot be described not because it is too powerful but because it is unique to the person experiencing it.
"My mom sent me a birthday text, and it was SOOOOOO cute, like, your daddy don't even know!"
by Shakweefa September 1, 2008
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A diss used by the jersey shore meant to be a really bad insult. Because Jersey Shore people always try to think that they are Italian.
You are so bad at fist pumping, get a freaking life.

Shut up. You don't even look Italian!
by massieistheBLOCK January 18, 2011
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