How the elderly refer to vapes.
“Hello young man..can I try your vaper device?”

“My Juul?” “Sure.”
“Oh my sunny, there’s quite a pUnCh of nicotine in this do-dad gadget!”
by Kaianna February 8, 2019
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Bongs,pipes,shells,papers,dabs, ect. If ya use it to smoke it qualifys
Brad hand me the smokeular device and let's get stoned
by Seb2002 April 6, 2021
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A person you flirt with just for fun; keeps you "afloat" in the dating world.
Oh it's not a serious relationship. He's just a flirtation device.
by LNHL December 19, 2016
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An overpriced scam that doesn't come with a charger

A device such as an iPhone with 3 cameras, because they expect you to be filming Marvel movies.

A device which has a battery that last for 0.69 milliseconds.
That guy has an Apple device because he's trying to flex.
by totally not a mod April 23, 2021
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If you charge a device with another device, like charging your smartphone with your laptop, without connecting the laptop to the power supply.
My laptop is charging my smartphone, that's device cannibalism, I know. But I need my phone right now.
by Zodiac1978 January 28, 2015
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1. Single line of dialogue used by bad filmmakers to fix shabby plot lines and major holes in storytelling. Name comes from fictional movie producer in the movie "Thank you for Smoking"

protagonist: "Cigarettes in space? wouldn't they explode in an all oxygen environment?"

producer: "That is a problem... But that's an easy fix, one line of dialogue; 'Thank God we invented the... you know... Whatever... device.'"

2. Any device, contraption, machine, character, or group of characters inserted into a film or tv show for no other reason than to cover up a major storytelling problem. A band-aid on a gaping wound of suckery.

3. An early warning sign that a movie or tv show blows goats, or may be a turd factory.
Guy 1:"Hey, I missed the end of Star Trek:First Contact, how did the ship get away from Earth without being detected by the Vulcans?"

Guy 2:"Whatever device..."

Guy 1:"Oh, well that's disappointing but not surprising."


"Jar Jar Binks is the shittiest character in history. He's a Whatever device that got played out about 12 seconds into his screen time."
by g8m3 January 17, 2010
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Friend1:You got a Lightational device?
by Wagwan dickhead January 21, 2021
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