When you go to an IHOP and take I poop and pour syrup on that poop and shove that poop into your butt and have anal sex
Hey Isaac wanna go have Sticky Butt Sex with me and Nick in the bathroom?
by Wideload69 February 12, 2020
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when someone is really angry and they decide to put there dick in someones butthole and puts it so deep that when the angry butt sex is over the person recieving the butt sex is sore for the next 2 weeks.
man dude that was some great angry butt sex we had two weeks ago, im still pretty sore
by angry gay guy January 8, 2012
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what happens when you go camping with

1 a homosexual
2 your friend
3 your father

they were having butt sex cowboy butt sex
by THNDRBIRD17 May 30, 2009
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n. the act of having accidental butt sex; casual, no formal wear required.
As I was having sex with her, I accidentally performed casual butt sex. It was awesome.
by The Casual One October 22, 2013
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when 2 heterosexual/homosexual robots engage in sex where a robopenis goes into the roborectum
Beep-boop, i wanna have some hot robot butt sex with you, c-3po
by robotbuttsexluver December 4, 2014
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a type of anal sex in which two males (preferably jewish) order a prostitute and give her anal sex simultaneously; then get her so drunk she forgets to ask for money for the sex.
dude last night me and my friend gave a prostitute jewish butt sex!
by bob mchenry October 10, 2011
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