The phrase 'Bung it' can be used when telling someone to be quiet or shut their mouth. Like how a bung is used in science to close a test tube to stop any chemicals coming out.
Susan: "All she ever does it slag me off!"

John: "Oh susan bung it will you?!"
by bungit January 14, 2020
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I bunged her last night, shes a slut!
by February 25, 2003
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"Bung you, Daniel!"

I really want to bung your girlfriend dude."

That rollercoaster was bunging awesome!"

"You fat bung, you ate all the cookies!"

"Dude, what the bung is wrong with you?"
by xxxsnake May 17, 2017
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The past tense of bing. Bing is synonymous with "Google" when used as a verb.
Scotty told his boss to say "bing" instead of "google" and "bung" instead of "googled"
by tracksuitceo June 9, 2009
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(n) A nuisance or annoying person that tries to be nice but ends up frustrating whomever they are talking to. This Term first started on a CounterStrike server after meeting a person called Greg - BUNG was his alias in game and soon became a widely renowned pain
"That guy is such a BUNG"
"Oh my word, what a BUNG"
by Esteban Vihaio September 6, 2005
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