A crackhead
someone addicted to crack
"Jerry's ben itching his neck well that's normal he is a fuckin buddie"
by Jay Speed May 9, 2010
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A very masculine man. often refereed to as a man's man. very skilled in hard knock life. He's strong not only physically, but mentally as well. breaking through to him is going to be difficult. there can be many women in his life, but the one who breaks through to him will hold his heart in the most silent but appreciative ways. he is loyal and acts of kindness are seldom but full of meaning. he often goes passed up from other women because of his thick emotional shell. But his love is a love like no other. he is known for treating his woman like a queen. the type to not be afraid to hold her in front of others to claim her.

At times he can be hard to understand, because he is often mislead. they are full of accidents wether it be through speech or actions. he never says sorry unless he actually means it. his biggest flaw is that he does not emotionally speak of his feelings without fear of being hurt.

on top of emotional baggage, he is witty and charming. he is known for being attractive and a social butterfly.

one line of advice for woman who deal with him "you are only there if he wants you there".
"I need a man in my life."
"No, you need a Buddy."
by FlirtyNerdy October 30, 2014
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A person that you have slept with "friends are forever, pals are pals, and buddies sleep together."
by R Burger February 4, 2008
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A term commonly used by teens that builds fake emphasis at the end of each sentence spoken to a friend.
Nice try buddy.
No, I'm right- buddy.
by Tran8898 April 26, 2006
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Someone who always has your back, who will always try their best to cheer you up when you're sad or mad. Someone you can always count on to tell things to (: Someone who won't ever let you down. Y'all will still be buddies even through the roughest times (:
by jas.23_ October 28, 2016
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A Buddy is someone (male, or female) that goes out at night, gets (2) blowjobs and brings back 1 for you.

Hey, Buddy you going out tonight? Yeah.

Don't forget. Don't forget, what? That your my buddy. I'm your buddy? Yeah. What's a buddy to you? A buddy brings me back a blow job...
by Maquito December 9, 2016
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