portuguese people says brazil with s (brasil)

Brazil is the biggest country in the southern hemisphere and south american continent, ranking 5th largest country in the world.

the largest state is Amazonas, situated in the northwestern part of the country, ranking first largest state.

Sergipe is the smallest state, located on the southern coast of that country's northeastern bulge into the Atlantic Ocean, ranking first smallest state.

Alagoas is the most dangerous state, with a homicide rate of 64.6, ranking first most dangerous.

Santa Catarina is the least dangerous state, with a homicide rate of 12.8! ranking last most dangerous.

Brazil land area: 8.516.000 km²
but china wont be too far behind as well as united states.

brazil does not have a reporting system for tornadoes, so it looks like you can finally travel to a place where a tornado doesnt ruin your million dollar home.
(however brazil has actually tornadoes, but they occur rarely)
(oh and brazil does not have earthquakes, but they occur rarely too)
Teacher: what is the largest country in southern hemisphere?
Teacher: can somebody answer?
Student 1: *raises hand*
Teacher: yes?
Student 1: Its Brazil!
Teacher: Correct! now 5th largest country?
Student 1: Brazil again!
Teacher: correct! and lastly, largest country in the americas?
Student 1: Brazil!
Teacher: Wrong! its Canada! did i even mention "largest country in the south american continent"?
by bruhbrbhur July 7, 2022
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A country that is very poor, poor education, a high number of criminals, druggies, gangsters, economy is very poor. Some people believe that Brazil is is a horrible country but in reality its not. The country is beautiful but the people in the country make the country really bad. Even the president, The brazilian government is one of the highest payed governments in the world but the people that work there are payed very little and work too much.
Minimum wage is about 450 reais(Brazilian money)and the president gets payed 11,000 reais.
by Tiago0207 August 2, 2008
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The best country in the world, owns the best music, memes and parties. No, we don't speak spanish or "brazilian", we speak brazilian portuguese! The only country that has been and every world cup and has won 5 of them. Our president sucks. We have 27 states and one federal district, not only Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo}. We have the most beautiful beaches ever and summer 365 days of the year.
Brazil's president, Jair Bolsonaro, sucks.
She was born in Brazil, she's Brazilian.
The airplanes were invented in Brazil by a man named Santos Dummont.
by sblfrnds April 14, 2020
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Brazil is a gorgeous girl who is trying to find her way in life she is an outspoken girl she wants to accomplish something when she grows up she is a thinker she when something good happens she would ask herself why did that just happen.She loves people no matter who it is
by Brazil@yahoo.com December 12, 2017
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In reference to the 1985 Terry Gillam movie in which the world is dominated by beuracracy. There's a never ending pile of paperwork and you must always have your 22/A signed. So if something is brazil then it means that you've just been put through some long governemental (emphazizing the mental) red tape and flaming hoops you had to jump through.
I had to go to the DMV today and when I got to the window they said that I didn't have the proper form filled out and this piece of paper from home. So I had to go home, get the paper, stand in line again making sure I had the proper form. And all I wanted to do was ASK them a question! It was brazil!
by Dancing Melissa October 11, 2005
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A term used to describe a 7-1 league in soccer. This term came from the 7-1 loss in the 2014 world cup when Brazil lost to Germany.
Dude I'm about to get a Brazil
by Soccerfan55 April 21, 2021
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