A word that originated from the bay area of California: A person that does anything to be popular.
That person is a bopper because he/she carries around a guitar/skateboard and doesn't even know how to use it.
by Someone Bologna January 26, 2008
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when females like something you got they gon try and be coo wit it you to get what u got that they want..
for Ex, like mike jones said " back then u didnt want me now im hot (Boppers) ya all on me!... they tryin 2 get his $dough$
by blaque booty! June 5, 2006
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signs ;

1. where's a back pack that is meant to be for 5 year olds
2. wheres glasses with no glass in it & takes pictures with them
3. has a huge collection of shoes. ie. jordans, nike shoes, vans
4. fake, wanna be, poser ass people
5. ones that start shit for no reason, just to get their name out there
6. stay at the mall constantly
7. put EEZY at the end of their name
Deeeeng maaynee, dyd yooh cee Stepheezy at boppermonte todaai?
by stfu you bopper! August 24, 2009
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someone who dresses in expensive clothing and gels their hair and wears clean shoes who is not themselves. They don't have their own unique sense of style and always say "hekka/hella"
"Oh my gosh,I saw jade at the mall. Shes such a bopper!"
by you arent fresh December 21, 2004
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a bopper iz a kid between the age 11-maybe 13 that are to influenced and tryta be like someone else maybe theyll tryta be all bad have a myspace and aim or they act and dress like the older ages
look at all those boppers . i feel sorry for them
by daveney August 10, 2006
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a person who only hangs with you because of your money and fame so they can be seen.
That bopper only hangin with them because they popular.
by Le Le June 5, 2005
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girls that should be beaten 20 times around the head with a club then stabbed 6 times in the back of the head with an extremely sharp bambo stick for being the slags they are. - see also slapper, skank, slag, and shore girl,
by Brother Number One April 8, 2004
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