The "boneless baby" is the heaviest time of a female's menstrual cycle. I.e...the gelatinus uterine lining that sluffs out of the vagina while taking a hot shower.
Holy crap husband! Our boneless baby was so dense, I didnt know whether to breast feed it or diaper it, so I just kicked it down the drain.

P.S. Cant wait to see you next month my boneless baby!
by Drippy Meat April 1, 2007
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A person that is so fat they appear to have no bones. The individual resembles a pile of heated playdo held together only by the surface tension of their skin
Where does that boneless chicken with the syrup stain on her shirt sit? I don't know use the marble method to find her
by kahn March 16, 2005
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Sticking a flaccid penis into a vagina with a STD, more specifically gonorrhea.
After I saw her puss had some avocado I went boneless. I still went in that boneless avocado. I regret nothing.
by CoopDaVille March 21, 2016
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Friend - “how was dinner”

Me - “Great, the waitress dropped a steaming boneless boii on the ground and didn’t notice. I crushed it. This is why I love Applebee’s”
by King salmon October 18, 2018
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