every girl is a 1 if you'd fuck her, a zero if you wouldn't.

gets rid of the whole 1 thru 10 rating process..
she' a 1!
by Dez March 16, 2004
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1) a musical group with only two styles of play, "on" and "off;" a band with no variation in genre or style
2) a powermetal band with fast and intense songs that all sound the same
"I used to like Dragonforce, but then I realized that they're a typical binary band."
by Kongress February 25, 2008
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None-binary is when a person doesn't feel like a female nor a male so they don't go by any female/male pronouns (like her/she or he/him) they either use neo-pronouns or they/them/theirs
None-binary person: Hey guess what!
Girl: What?
None-binary person: I'm none-binary!
Girl: Goof for you! What name do you want me to call you by?
None-binary person: I want to go by (_____)
Girl: Cool!
Boy: That's awesome what pronouns though?
None-binary person: They / them

Boy/Girl: We'll try our best :)
by Mikka April 8, 2021
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1. 00100.
2. euphemism for the middle finger as a gesture of contempt (possibly in jest), generally synonymous with "fuck you".
1. The decimal number 4 equals 00100 in binary.
2. /me gives you a binary four.
by überRegenbogen June 27, 2008
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Some people are very organized and structured and see the world in a very binary, allegedly logical, way. However sometimes the yes / no binary response is laced with a ranting tirade which defies logic and pushes the binary decision into the realm of ridiculousness. Indeed, the very goal of a binary person being able to make clear decisions becomes clouded when binary extremism takes over, and the person's opinion, decision, argument etc. is rendered moot.
My normally logical co-worker often lapses into fits of binary extremism when annoyed by a customer.
by SydneyElBurro November 10, 2009
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A scale by which a female is sized up. They are not judged on looks but rather they are assigned a 0 or a 1 depending on the judges willingness to have sexual relations with the female. 1 for go 0 for no
Greg: Eh... I'd say say Sarah is a 5 in my book.

Jeff: Yeah but shes a 1 on the binary scale
by JRo June 19, 2006
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