Someone in the belly button club is someone who's penis is so big, it reaches their belly button.
"Did you see his nudes?"
"Yea he's so big it went to his belly button"
"He's a part of the belly button club for sure"
by Gayyshiitt October 1, 2022
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It's a fascinating body part than only some have. It's extremely useful because you can store stuff inside of it it's basically a built in pocket. If your lucky it can also make some delicious white cotton candy.
Guy 1: No way! You have a innie belly button, that's so cool!!!
Guy 1: I know right!
by Bob dinkledash January 13, 2019
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when you blow your load into a girls belly button, causing her to giggle.
"Oh hey Andy do you wanna cum in my hair?
"Nah you dirty slut im gonna give you a belly button pie.
by antonio banderez November 2, 2010
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When you forcefully put your penis in someone's belly button and ejaculate for more than 8 seconds.
I heard that Courtney was belly button raped last night.
by bib v May 16, 2018
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Windows of opportunity for enhanced vision providing unique novelty picture frames that help the inverted person see where they are going.
People with their heads up their asses need belly button windows to see where they are going.
by JimTheGeek November 19, 2007
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The new tramp stamp. Just as the lower back tattoo draws eyes down toward the butt, the belly button ring draws eyes down toward the crotch.
That chick you picked up at the bar has a belly button ring... you're gettin' some tonight!
by AFC1974 March 3, 2010
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