1. To engage in various activities related to and/or dealing with the sport of basketball.

2. To put on airs;live affluently.

Percy: Hey scott, have you seen chet around?
Scott: Yes. He is down at the park ballin.

Boss: Well Johnson, I hope you know just how important this business is to me.
Johnson: Oh yes I do sir.
Boss: I built this company from the ground up.
Johnson: Its a very respectable thing you have done.
Boss: Yes. It was as though I started out as a poor and destitute man, but now I'm ballin.
Johnson: Indeed
by $id December 8, 2006
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It means either:
A: associating it with basketball .. you yell "ballin" wen sum one makes a basket.
B:You popped(took) an E pill .. Down here in Jersey we call them ballers and when you begin 2 feel it(begin 2 ball) then your "BALLIN"
C: You madd rich and got money .. that you can flaunt and spend like it aint shyt..so you "ballin"
A: I shot a paper ball in the trash and it made it so my boy yells "BALLIN" in accordance to the fact that i made it.

B:Yo I popped my baller a little bit ago and now im "ballin" hard as hell.

C:I got money to the ceilin bro..Im "BALLIN"
by ST3PHANii3 March 2, 2007
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to make love

To have sex

To screw

to fornicate

to lay

To bone

To pork

To spike to the bed

To just down right fuckin
I was ballin the fuk out that hoe when she decided to tole me that she had Gohnahrea and stuff that don go away

After I got dun ballin that fat skank she started to cry, and then she said "You think Im a fat whore" but I told her she wasnt that fat. (then she cried sum moe)
by bartow joe May 22, 2005
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To have oral sex with a male's testicles.
"Man, I have been ballin that chick."
by DESU February 6, 2007
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