Tah Dal: Man that club was crunk as ever last night foo fool

Playboy: Sho know what to say
by Wood626 February 5, 2010
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Phrase meant to get your point to not say what again
Me: Say what Again muthafucka

You: What?{gun Shots}
by Cobra C. July 25, 2006
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The label on the item in question is self descriptive, and leaves no doubt as to what is contained in the package.

"Tin" refers to what they call "cans" in England.
"This label says 'fireworks'. What's in the box?" "Exactly what it says on the tin.
by Dennis October 10, 2003
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a person says this phrase when he is surpised to hear something and wants it to be repeated
in how i met your mother say what now is said a couple of times by barney and quinn (barney's ex fiance, a stripper)
by ap1938 November 12, 2013
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-whats up?
-what are you doing?
what are you saying tonight?
by Jason Lau from the Gap July 15, 2003
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The impolite way of asking a black person to be repeat themselves. May also be taken as a friendly gesture.
Harry: I fucked Helga last night after beatwalking then I gave her a bubble beard she had mad squeamy gash.
Tom: You're a bear stuffer. That'd give me mad insta flop.
by Kempo May 10, 2006
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