someone who tries to be popular by wearing abercrombie, being a poser, & trying to act cool. no matter how hard they try, they'll also be a shitty poser.
jessica the alpha: heyy brittany!! did u see isadora's juicy dress? she is such a wannabe!! she actually thinks she can be accepted into our group!! UGH!!

brittany: i did see her!! i hate her!! UGH!!
by hollisterchick1994 April 6, 2009
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As used in modern urban conversation, the term refers to a white person who tries to emulate black people in order to appear hip or ghetto.

See also: wigger
Any 15-year old teenage white male who wears his pants down around his knees, wears a sports jersey and gold jewelry, and insists on blaring rap music at all hours of the day and night is a wannabe.

Also, any white person attempting to say something like fo' shizzle my nizzle.
by John Blair April 20, 2004
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They are dork people who pretend to be someone definitely they WILL NEVER BE. dream on! they are the one who think they are oh so gorgeous but damn theyre NOT! they usually hate TRUE people. and they ENVY those who are HAPPY ABOUT THEIR SELVES.
LIBY ia a poor girl wannabe who hates true well-off happy people.
by antiliby March 22, 2008
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Somebody who see someone slightly better than them, then rips them off for the next several weeks untill they see someone else.
Highly irratating especially if ur listening to the band ect
Like most annoyin emo-wannabes at my college! who "cut" their wrists with sporks! yes sporks!

They also say repeatedly " i love fall out boy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" (also annoying)
by Carver ash May 26, 2006
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a person who wants to be another famous or rich or normal person
wannabe: ESKETIT!!!!

person: dude stop ur a lil pump wannabe
by ESKETEKMYBROODA July 23, 2018
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Wannabe is someone who emulates that style of dress attitude but doesn't live the life it seems more like a presumptive word at one time we wore whatever our caretakers made us wear as we got older we saw different styles of dress that may have appealed to our sense of fashion so we began mimicking that style of dress no one is born wearing mascara or dressed like a skater gangster etc.. We wore whatever we thought would attract a mate fit in, be cool whatever the point is the clothing make-up hairstyle had to be witnessed first so in that sense we are all wannabes If it makes you feel confident and empowered to take on the world then Rock it girlfriend!!!
He's dressed like a skater what a total wannabe
by shabba ranx September 3, 2015
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someone who thinks there cool.. but there not.. they WISH they were cool

someone who pretends to be someone that there not
person 1- omg, hes sucha wannabe !
person 2- yeah, i know right ! last week he was a prep, now hes goth?
person 1- total wannabe !
person 2- I KNOW !
by idkkkkkkkkkk April 8, 2009
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