The previous definitions of wang have been false. The real definition is of someone who has a lazy eye, when one is more closed then the other.
I was round burkes house and noticed it mother has a well bad wang.
by Hamish5487 November 15, 2007
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all that makes the ladies quiver with delight
All the ladies chase Monkey Man because they want the wang
by Brisby Stephenson March 11, 2003
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A Pimp last name. The name is Pimpin. A guy i know is named Steven Wang. Stevem is a gay name. If it is put onto Wang, it means that person sucks donkey balls, and eats ball cheese from the prarie oysters of a young bull.

He is also a damn chinese fuck.
by John Smith March 9, 2005
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the study of wangs...

well the wang first was discorvered many years ago in the hayes family by miss brittany the 1st

one day she was just enjoying her lovely afternoon in a park outside her castel when a man dressed an a so called 'penis' came and tampled her...tried to rape her, but she yelled wang and excaped...

from then on, there was no more sightings of 'penis'

the 'thing' that hung beween the mens legs, or there 3rd leg, was now known as a WANG. the wang is better, stronger, bigger, just overall qualitey inside and out...

brittany the 1st now has passed her knowledge on to brittany the 2nd and she is gaing new information and exploring the wand as much as possible....thank you for your time
Wangs have holes...they are called wangholes...they are small and round and at the tip of the wang...
by wang - ette March 2, 2005
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Inner part of the human elbow.
My wang is sweating.

My t-shirt sleeves are rubbing my wang.
by Webster nurple June 23, 2009
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A skinny short or long dick and skinny balls. The opposite of a chode. Usually found in white people. Never found with a black man.
chode sex socia porn
Craker 1: Thats a skinny ass Wang
Black Man 1: I don't have one cuz I'm Black
by Arcanist1337 March 2, 2009
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Another word for penis, dick, and/or The thing between a male's legs.
Jessica- "Hey, Jennifer, did you see that Asian kid over there?"
Jennifer- "Yeah, he has a small wang.."
by Jooooooooonlishuh June 20, 2007
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