Your so WAF
That bitch is so WAF
by FlawlesMarshall June 7, 2015
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White as fuck. Meaning a person’s personality/recent behaviors show an increase in stereotypical American Caucasian traits (i.e. Drinking Starbucks, speaking very properly, overuse of words such as “like” and “omg”, willingness to endanger their lives with rediculous activities but too scared to eat spicy food, etc.)
I saw Becky drink 5 Venti iced caramel macchiatos from Starbucks within 10 minutes, she’s so WAF.
by aydoner00 October 16, 2018
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We Are Fucked
Used when you and someone else is fucked together.
Friend: That 12 page paper is due tomorrow. And we haven't started.

You: WAF
by TheDansihHufflepuff October 12, 2016
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abbreviation for 'what a faggot' considered strongly to be offensive and derogatory.
Person 1: Hey did you hear John doesn't like Joy Divison?
Person 2: waf
by MainSubmitter February 6, 2018
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Example 1) "Wow that movie was so waf."
Example 2) "Michael is so waf."
by TEGOAT January 21, 2017
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