Showing your entire family how you can deep throat the boiled Turkey neck before granny incorporates it into her Thanksgiving gravy.
My cousin showed up for thanksgiving and did the Julia child tribute. Not even a gag or a watered eye. Took the whole thing. Guess I know who’s room I’ll be sneaking into.
by Dick Onchin November 20, 2020
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A derivative of a cum tribute for, but not limited to, the humiliation of making a second party feel sexually inept at cumming on a picture.
Cum Cuck Tribute: “Please do a cum tribute on my waifu, but make fun of my tiny penis while during.”
by FemFoxy February 28, 2021
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A Jonny Cash Tribute is experienced the morning after excessive drinking and eating unusually hot food, usually laced with chilli etc. Involves long periods spent on the bog with red hot molten shite dripping out of your ring piece, leaving the sufferer with a 'Ring of Fire' i.e. stinging anus. Hence a tribute to Jonny Cash
"Christ I spent an hour on the bog this morning doing a Jonny Cash Tribute after last nights vindaloo"
by Nicky J Liverpool February 25, 2009
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The act of ultimate devotion involving a man swearing loyalty to their partner by cutting off their penis and presenting it to them showing they will never have sexual intercourse with another person and that their partner's love is all they need in life. The penis can be stuffed by taxidermy in some instances.
You are my true love, my life partner, please accept this cock Tribute as my proof of love and devotion to you.
by Mr. Karoshi October 7, 2022
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Term use with the same meaning of "taking the kids to the pool" or "making a deposit" or just "taking a shit."
So like... Honey I'll be back in a few minutes, got to pay tribute to Obama...
by SKY-Spy January 23, 2017
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On January 6th, people who are fans of puro or are a furry must cum to puro with absolutely no exceptions what so ever.
furry: sorry i cant make it to the party. today is Puro Cum Tribute Day

friend: what the literal fuck is wrong with you
by justin from fortnite January 2, 2021
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1) Something, especially something musical, that is incredibly, almost unbelivably horrible and is to be avoided at all costs.

2) Anything that causes the same gag reflex as the third repeat of "Margaritaville" or "Cheeseburger in Paradise" sung out of key by balding middle-aged men in Hawaiian shirts and fish-shaped hats. (yes, that bad)
Person 1 - Dude, don't go in there, the singer they hired is Jimmy-Buffet-tribute-band-bad.

Person 2 - But it's my brother's wedding!... Wait, did you say 'Jimmy-Buffet-tribute-band-bad'?

Person 1 - Yup.

Person 2 - On second thought... I'll stay here... he probably won't miss me much. I mean c'mon, I showed up for his first, second, and third weddings.

Person 1 - Smart move.

Girl 1 - Did you see her outfit?!!!

Girl 2 - Omigod, yeah. It was totally Jimmy-Buffet-tribute-band-bad.

Girl 2 - I know! I threw up in my mouth a little when she walked by.
by Lexi_Runner1 August 14, 2007
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