Discovered by the Germans in 1904 and means a whales vagina
Veronica: what a wonderful city
Ron: Yes i believe San Diego is German for a whales vagina
Jason: hey guys im gay
Najee:dude jason lets have sex
by Jason Najee January 9, 2006
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Southern most city in California, adjacent to Mexican border. Big military city as well. Not the greatest place in the world, but do-able.
I h8 San Diego just for the fact that it's got so many damn marines and sailors crawling everywhere! Damn, everywhere you go, Mr. High-and-Tight is acting drunk and playing grab ass. Next year, I'm moving back to Connecticut.
by drinking S.D.haterade October 31, 2004
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Discovered by Germans, the name, roughly translated means: A whale's Vagina.
German 1 "Here vee are, Vhatever shall vee call zis Majestic land?"

German 2 "Look! A whale's Vagina!"

German 1 "zhat's perfect!"
by got_human? February 11, 2005
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There are scientist actually who have been trying to discover it's true meaning for centuries, but one theory that i like to stick with is that it actually means, "a whales vagina" while some people like to think that it means Saint Diego, i must agree to dissagree with them.
Hey, have you ever been to San Diego?

why.... yes, i have good sir

well, did you knock up shamoo?
by bo peepee sheepyface July 19, 2009
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Derived from the German phrase which directly translates to "a whale's vagina."
Joe - "Hey Phil! Where did you say you were from?"

Phil "I'm from San Diego"

Joe "You mean a whale's vagina?"
by Cmen Dmen July 1, 2013
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Hey I'm going to San Diego this weekend

You mean your going to a whales vagina
by Orange-fakie January 14, 2016
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