1. A sore loser.
2. A good rookie, but overshadowed by much better rookies.
1. "Man, why you be kanye?"
2. "He's good, but he's a kanye compared to the others.
by Mike March 19, 2005
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meaning Douchebag. Kanye West disrupted Taylor Swift's speech for Best Female Video at the 2009 MTV VMAs. Swift was in the midst of her acceptance speech for Best Female Video when the often-mercurial West rushed onstage, grabbed her microphone and let loose an outburst on behalf of singer Beyonce Knowles, who had lost out in that category.
Did s/he really do that?! What a Kanye...
by ms_define September 16, 2009
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Can be used in substitution for the following: jackass, douche bag, jerk, jerk off, dick, dick mouth, dick hole, dick towel, dick anything really, ass hole, bastard and son ova bitch, punk ass bitch, retarted self loving punk etc.
Guy 1: Damn, did you see that dude just kick that puppy?

Guy 2: Yea, what a Kanye. He should go to hell right now.
by dehjr September 16, 2009
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Kebly, stop being such a Kanye!

You are being a Kanye, you should probably stop.
by ralphhie September 23, 2009
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to be excessively cocky and possess a messiah complex, to the point that people feel the urge to inflict bodily harm upon you.
Kobe was acting a little too kanye last night when he put up 55, so Ron-Ron had to put him on his back.
by E-Feezy February 9, 2006
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1. n. a douchebag
2. v. to act like a douchebag
1. You can be right, and still be a kanye.
2. Lil Wayne is 'ight, but he's gettin kinda kanye lately.
by TaoJoannes September 14, 2009
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