It's a shot where a bartender faces the liquor bottles and closes their eyes. They grab two random bottles and poor them into a shot.
I'm so drunk right now, I don't care what I have. Oh bar keep, get me a Helen Keller.
by Miller Time September 13, 2006
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When you blow a load in a chick's eye and make her go blind temporarily.
Guy: Oh shit! I just gave you a Helen Keller!
by Tlaloc November 13, 2007
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When a girl is passed out, she might as well be deaf and blind, and then you masturbate on her.
MBC was passed out on her bed from a long day of drinking and big luv came into the room and gave her the helen keller!!
by Big Luv and Happy March 3, 2008
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A sexual position, involving a minimum of 5 people (4 of which are men), where each man chooses an eye or ear. Then they ejaculate in each eye and ear, causing the semen recipient be deaf, blind, "dumb", and covered in semen. Just like Helen Keller.
My mom is in town. Round up the bros! We're gonna Helen Keller this bitch!
by inthePoopShoot November 16, 2008
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intoxicated to the point of impossibly blurred vision, incomprehensible slurred speech, and an inability to hear anything over the sound of the blood pounding in your ears
Dude, you were Helen Kellered last night!
by Greg Giraldo October 13, 2010
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A Hellen Keller is when your girl is giving head, pull out at the last minute and pop a load in her eyes, then karate chop her in her windpipe.
I Helen Kellered my girl last night, thats why she's still choking, damn Helen Keller.
by Vaginal Secret October 3, 2009
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verb; a sexual act between a man and a woman in which the man ejaculates into the eyes of the woman and claps both of her ears simultaneously, creating the illusion that she is both blind and deaf
John: How did your date go last night?
Bill: I Helen Kellered that bitch
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