A person who loves eating shit, talks about his turd randomly in conversations, how he had diarrhea this morning, etc.

No matter what, he would usually bring up this topic of turds in every single possible scenario.
Larry: So as I was saying, I think it's best if we invest on....
Garry: I shat my pants 20 minutes ago after eating tacobell before heading here, and my turd looked like a dildo shoved up my ass, and I was thinking on eating it, so that I can recycle nutrients

by The_Senor July 12, 2023
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A word of ranking how much you hate someone.
Chicken turdis-really nice person
Mama you bought me food so you are a chicken turdis.
by Unknown200511 June 21, 2017
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To take a large drag from a vape and produce a large vape cloud.
Give me that elf bar I'll rip a fat turdy.
by ElfBar69 June 20, 2022
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A sexual act involving excrement

You start by pooing in a condom. Then you tie a knot in the open end of it and cut a tiny hole in the other end. Point the hole towards your partner and squeeze the condom. The tiny hole will squirt your turd (hence the name) all over your partner. You can additionally help each other lick it clean
Boyfriend: Do you wanna do the Turdy Squirty?
Girlfriend: Ok, but only if you help me clean it
by gayasswhale February 18, 2020
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An act during sexual intercourse in the doggystyle position, an act committed while a girl is dropping a log at the same time as having a creampie
by Mr.limerita June 30, 2016
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When you shit take a shit but the turd stands straight up. Short for “vertical turd”
I just shit out verty turdy and it was touching the rim of the bowl!
by turdburgaler69 June 15, 2023
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codename for a male mate/Boyfriend acting like a rediculously jelous control freak.
You go out with your friends and your boyfriend calls you 15 times within the next 2 minutes. You finally answer the phone and he's freaking out because your not hanging out with him. You hang up because your fed up with his rediculousness and talk to your friends.

You: OMG! Turdi will not leave me the fuck alone!

Boy: Just don't pick up to Turdi!!

....Unfortuantely this is a real life example.
by Ikkinikki420 October 27, 2011
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