What happens when multiple people are receiving Rusty Swords in the same room.

The parties fence with the recipients' penises.

Recipients are not allowed to do anything physical to each other, though trash-talk is allowed.
Typically the recipients are also encouraged to make metallic clanging noises (or Lightsaber noises) while this happens for the bonus cool factor and to commit to the roleplay.

If at any point, once the fight starts, any member;
falls over, loses their partner, gets soft, or otherwise can not continue the fight;
Then that duelist loses the fight.

Last penis "standing" (or team, thereof) wins the fight, regardless of how many players are taking part.

Note that: Cumming does not automatically disqualify a participant, but considering that softness tends to follows briefly afterwards, it tends to happen.

Doping in the form of Cialis or Viagra is considered poor form and can cause for the disqualification of winners if the agreed upon rules forbid it.
"Damn man, that was a brutal Rusty Sword Fight last night!
I thought Steve and Phil were going to lose when it looked like Steve was about to blow his load..."

"Yeah, but then Steve said something that got Jen to run off crying, DQing Mark, who then got blasted with Steve's 'victory celebration', it was epic, and will go down as one of the best tournament duels ever."
by Samael11 October 10, 2012
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When two asian men, who look kinda vietnamese, get really really drunk and fight with their penises as if they were broad swords.
"How and Chin had an awesome vietnamese sword fight last night at the party."

"But chinese people have tiny penises."
by Tommy bon bon finger November 6, 2009
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A Groundhog Sword Fight is when two severely constipated individuals shit half way in a sword-like fashion and compete to paint their opponent’s ass brown.
Zac: Give me back my lollipop Justin!
Justin: What are you going to do about it?
Zac: I challenge you to a Groundhog Sword Fight.
by Quadaplex January 17, 2018
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American Sword Fighting is when Americans fight each other with their erect penis's and the loser is the one that finishes or loses his erection first.
I caught my sons Nick and Ben american sword fighting in their bedroom the other day
by A Savage Hobo November 23, 2013
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When a man puts his penis against another man or shemale's will into their penis hole. After six and a half minutes, you pull out and slap their penis causing a volcano of blood.
Dude my dick feels like chopped up garlic after french sword fighting last night.

Oh man dude, I totally raped you, you want a hot carl?
by UTI September 19, 2009
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A Man With A Small Penis Fight another Boy With a Small Penis (Dick2Dick
Eww Dude There Having a Small Sword Fight!
by Ehhdee May 6, 2010
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Sword Fighting Fairy Faggots are gay people that live in the same house and play games known as Fortnite. To which if they kill you they are probably stripping down and sword fighting each other with their wieners. So far that some of them are re-creating one of the Star Wars films and naming it Bedroom Battles The Wiener Hardens .
Me: Freak I just died to some SWORD FIGHTING FAIRY FAGGOTS.
You: That’s why we call them that
by TurtleTron August 7, 2018