the motto that ended Katy Perry's career
What the fuck is "swish swish bish" it literally makes no sense at all
by eye dyed November 30, 2017
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a word used to call someone goodlooking instead of using obvious words like hot or sexy mostly used when checking someone out
hey you see her swish!!!
by ben the d d March 24, 2005
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A program that aids in the production of flash movies.
He made his flash intro in swish, what a n00b
by shadowmancer January 17, 2004
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Swish Swish Angie likes to take the dance floor all like Swish. They like to spin around with BIG eyes and purple nails. Swish Swish Angie are usually seen jacked up on LSD. If you see a Swish Swish Angie go dance with it.
“Who’s that BIG eyed blonde chick over there?”
“That’s Swish Swish Angie!”
by Angie did it December 12, 2018
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Swish Swish Bish it means keep calm bitch.that way the person try to say don't be so exited.
Person 1 -OMG!! Daniel broke up with her gf i have a chanse now. Person 2-Swish Swish bish,I don't think that he loves you.
by wydon'tweboys July 20, 2017
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Making a score, winning a round of mockery
Winning an argument
similar to zing
He made a swish when he argued with Bob.
by Aaron W. December 6, 2002
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A total douche bag poser who acts like he doesn't give a crap about anything. A total player who will try to mess with your feelings and sometimes pretends to be a nice guy to get into your pants. This person thinks he is the greatest person alive and no one else matters.
I thought he was a really nice guy but then he started acting like a total swish bag who doesn't give a fudge about anything
by samyjoe69 November 29, 2014
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