The inter-force of our body that fuels the molecular stankage in our cells.
Dudiage my Stanky Bonehairius’ we’re being molecularly stankified on a molecular bonehair.
by Dudiage August 14, 2022
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Underwear that has been filled to the brim with vile human excretion such as anal gravy, sweat, pussy juice, ass juice, butt nuggets, anal hot chocolate, and piss.
"Dude I fingered Tiesha last night, and then I smelled my hand and it reeked of stanky britches."

"I can smell yo britches and they're stanky."

"Hey I gotta change my under wear I have stanky britches."
by The K-dizz January 8, 2012
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Feet that smell worse than just "stinky"
Damn, Lou, you got some stanky feet!
by Space Cadet Staci September 16, 2005
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1. smells like kero
2. oder like cigerettes and cheap cologne
3. loves his grammie
4. oils grammies feet reguarly
5. CAUTION*never light matches around*CAUTION
Damn that motha fuckas one "stanky simmons".

grammies vag smells like a gosh darn stanky simmons.

damn my trailer just fell down.... whata stanky simmons
by chucknorris is god March 29, 2008
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A dance that men with big baggy pants do when they need to "air out" a fart.
"Ah! You doing the stanky legg? Because i feel a stanky legg coming on!"
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When you has not washed your buttocks in a while...
*picks up fish from lake* "Ohhhh, that's a stanky fishy!" 🐟
by Jacob Zuma November 15, 2019
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