People that only live to hate on Zack Snyder, ignore everything comic book accurate about his takes on DC, pretend nobody likes his movies and make fun of his dead daughter
Did you see that page called Hack Snyder? What a bunch of pathetic Snyder haters
by Dr. Doom23 November 9, 2020
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From the Scandanavian word for "will warranty"
Jeff: Oh, I see this is a Snyder ticket.
Gary: I can get that covered for you. Its got a MAXCARE
by crockes March 12, 2008
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A mystical being descended from Zeus and believed to have tigers blood running through his veins. A Jack Snyder dances on through life with such ease, you’d think he has all 10 toes.
Jack Snyder: *sneeze* Me: “I’d say God bless you but it looks like he already did.”
by DAM90 November 30, 2019
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The layer of scum comprised of decomposing food, bacteria and kitchen detergent found on the inside of a common garbage disposal unit or u-bend.
There's no way this will work with Rick Snyder plugging up everything!
by OrionPax09 May 2, 2012
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Some fuckin half a jewby, that likes to grind with the irish jig.Rems pec is lopsided and wotnot like that.
Yo did you see Rem Snyder, that damn jew getting it in the butt from the irish again.
by John Grimaldi April 21, 2005
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Any shot mixed with urine.
That girl at spring break just drank a snyder slammer and is acting like she is drunk.
by Chuck Fina April 15, 2009
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