When you sneeze and fart. This is a common bodily function which most often hurts.
by vmrose August 19, 2007
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when one farts and sneezes at the same time, regardless of which causes which
by kas January 13, 2003
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Snarting is the involuntary act of sneezing and farting at the same time. The eligible criteria for meating the snarted definition is as follows:

1. The force of the fart must be equal to the sneeze, anything less is simply a snuff (a sneeze and a fluff)
2. The force of the fart must at least bring a tear to the eye, in extreme cases minor damage maybe caused to the anus.

The follow through of the fart does not qualify; this is known a sniting.
Andy sneezed and farted with such force that a tear ran down his cheek and his buttocks, he snarted
by Be4no February 23, 2015
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A combination of a sneeze and a fart both going off at once.
When someone snarted, the whole room started smelling.
by Morgan Rowe June 6, 2005
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TO SNEEZE AND FART at the same time,

V. Snarting
OMG my allergys are acting up so bad I keep SNARTING.
by Jaxs July 27, 2004
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When you sneeze and fart simultaneously.
Girl 1: What was that?
Girl 2: OOOPS!!! I snarted.
Girl 1: What's that?
Girl 2: I was sneezing and I accidentally farted.
Girl 1: Thats disgusting, but hilarious.
by Summer Day & D July 26, 2006
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