Something so hot and sexy you have to add an m to it. It is anything so awesomely weird that you have the desire to add an m to it. Like how hott is hot with an extra t added to it because it is so hot.
My marching band hair is smexy.

Marching band is the most semxy thing on the face of the planet.

Smexy is not a combo of sexy and mexican! Although it could be a sexy mexican...

My knee-high socks and gym shorts are smexy.

Granny oanties are very smexy.
by Princess Peachz November 17, 2009
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It's like sexy with a extra Smack on the ass!
"that chick is so sexy, i just wanna smack that ass!"

"yeah man, she's SO Smexy!!"
by SmexyChick! March 26, 2010
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Smexy was actually originally a typo.
Some kids were in user chat room called "Skate Chat" on yahoo back in 2005 when one went to compliment another and accidently put the letter m after s in sexy. everyone laughed about it, but the week after everyone was using it.

this is pretty much how the conversation went:
"omg you are so*"
"hahahaha smexy?"
"yea ^^: i accidently put an m in there.."
"i like it! Im smexy!"
"you are so smexy"
"i feel smexy today"
by KeyKeyx1000 March 26, 2007
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A slang term (most commonly used by tweens and teens) to describe something uber-cute and sexy. Often used in a flirty or "girly" fashion.
Uchihacest is so totally smexy! ^.^
by Uchihacest Fan December 27, 2006
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warning: if easily offended, skip over.

1. adj.
a word used (commonly by fangirls of manga and other japanese-made artworks/animations) to describe a male (or more...), or something related thereof, as 'sexy'. usually in relation with yaoi.

2. noun.
shortening for the scanlation group, 'smexy bastards'
(excuses for the use of the most common anime)
gawd, look at Gaara, he's so smexy.
mm, naruto and sasuke... smexy...
by a dedicated fan July 14, 2006
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When a person is messy yet sexy!
Their hair can be all messed up and yet they will still look sexy to the onlooker.

It is a nickname filled with affection and is generally used between people in relationships or extremely close friendship.
*The newly wedden husband walked into the kitchen after having had a afternoon nap. His hair was all over the place , eyes barely open and yet his wife thought that he looked quite smexy .
by TheSAway October 7, 2018
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