dumb big headed ugly assholes that stink like whiskey mixed with shit
This drunk dumb ass with big head must be scottish.
by sssss12345 July 26, 2009
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Pertaining to anything from Scotland except the only thing worth a shit from Scotland whitch is Scotch.
Kenneth: That drunk over there with the tartan dress on is Scottish.
Barny: Yeah, he's full of Scotch and shit.
by BolloxThe Brave March 5, 2009
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When one gentleman injects Scotch Whisky down his urethra and then proceeds to blast the Scotch Whisky and semen into another gentleman's rectal cavity.
Hey Hoff, we have all of this Islay Scotch Whiskey left over and it's way to smokey and peaty for me. What should we do with it? Oh I know! Give me a "Scottish Stovepipe" bro!
by randledw September 20, 2013
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Mostly known as the one true Junkrat but is a great name given to poor Indian children.
by Chuca_FTW May 30, 2017
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This is a periphrastic way of referring to William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," a device sometimes used by actors to avoid referring to the play by name, because of the supposed bad luck that it might bring if it is referred to by name. Likewise, the protagonist and his wife are referred to as"Mr. and Mrs. M."
The Village Players led off this year's season with the Scottish play.
by eViL pOp TaRt April 25, 2010
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John: Did you see that nasty homeless guy?
Mick: Nah?
John: He just swallowed a Scottish Oyster.
by monkey500 January 29, 2017
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