A subgenre of folk music developed by Caribbean culture in the 1960s. It combines genres like Calypso, Soul, Folk, South American World Music. Famous and Popular for African or Caribbean style people.
I am not from Jamaica, but I still have a favourite genre of reggae music.
by Dogmilk57 Nightcore January 24, 2021
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to define a sort specimen as good
oh my gosh, that was very reggae reggae of you my dearest
by yo rez June 9, 2021
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A bar full of Transvestites where Harry L takes the lead....
Do you want to go to a Reggae Reggae Club
by Regge May 9, 2022
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The kinda tired where you just wanna sit and chillax. Ei. smokin a doobie wearin a rasta hat. Could also apply to the kind of tired you feel after smoking. This is more of a chill tired rather than an exhausted tired.

The word reggae can also refer to regular. Thus, reggae tired can apply to the tired you feel on the regular.
I'm honestly kinda reggae tired right now man.
by sscalista May 10, 2018
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When a lady's bush is so huge it could actually be put into dreads reminiscent of that of a Reggae singer.
Guy1: Mannnn... bobs girl has a HUGE bush, He can't even go down without getting pubes hung in his eyebrows
Guy2: Sounds like a Reggae Vag-Jay-Jay
by JDTheNerDragon March 11, 2019
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someone who's never even smoked weed, but they wanna 👍
guy1: are you a stoner?
guy2: nah, i wanna try weed tho
guy1: ah, so you're a reggae virgin!
by Dumbskateremo November 9, 2023
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