A amberjack that swims around reefs or sunken boats off the coast of the Outer Banks.

The Jackass of the sea.

The hardest fighting fish this side of Oregon Inlet.

Someone who really pisses you off at work.

A hard headed son of a bitch.
Dude, your a fuckin reef donkey, i hope you catch herpies.
by Mann Jr October 16, 2007
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a saltwater aquarium, housing fish and corals. Usually the best way to get divorced became a reef tank cost more than the mortgage of the house.
fuck, did you hear how Jason's wife divorced him after he bought that new reef tank?
by creative pseudonym 123 December 23, 2019
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Originally an online saltwater aquarium forum, Reef Monkey is now a t-shirt, sticker and swag company selling through Etsy.com The Reef Monkey is someone that appreciates humor, saltwater, surfing, Toyotas, and perhaps irony.
I hung out with that surfer, dude was a total Reef Monkey. Spent all day on the waves.
by definer222222 February 25, 2019
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Upon seeing a large amount of reefer, one almost shits himself/herself.
Tom: I just picked up 18 pounds of alabama kush

Joe: That's Reef-diculous!!!

Tom: Hell yeah! Now lets smoke this shit!
by The-Rev April 11, 2010
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Coral Reef is rhyming slang for Queef which means to Fanny Fart
Marlene have you just done a "coral reef ? There was a down turn in the wind and i can smell it from here.
by Grimey1988 December 1, 2009
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An injury to a surfer after they get dragged across a reef.
Nick had major reef rash on his arm after he hit that reef off the point.
by Andrea May 6, 2005
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In the United States, reef sex is considered a rarely practiced form of sexual intercourse with the exception being the island of Key West, Florida. The term reef sex refers to placement of a snorkel, commonly used for ocean snorkeling, into the anus of a sexual partner during the act of oral or vaginal intercourse. The recipient merely relaxes as the 'snorkeler' then blows into the snorkel producing the characteristic ARRUUUUUUUUUGA! aesthetic. This is the culmination and essential step, thus completing a bout of reef sex.
Many Key West snorkeling companies offer night-time adventures where participants enjoy a happy hour at sea before retiring to their private bungalows and an excellent opportunity for their first experience with reef sex.
by Carla the teacher January 25, 2007
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