N. A pimple on a woman’s genitalia, generally signaling the observer to avoid sexual contact with that woman. Also, a good indication of one’s lack of personal hygiene.
Dude, you should have seen it. It was the biggest twat pimple I ever saw!
by PaulG. October 31, 2007
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Term given to a pre-teen or younger who runs around a lot at school and gets little bumps on their face from not washing the sweat off afterwards.
Mom: "Oh my gosh! my 5 year old has acne!"
Dad: "Nope, that's just school pimples, the little bugger needs to wash his face after running around at school"
by the real Mrs B June 6, 2010
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When you have a pimple or blemish In-between your eyebrows, temporarily giving yourself the look of having a traditional Indian Bindi.
Friend 1: Hey man how'd dinner with Jenni Patel's parents go last night?

Friend 2: Dear god it was awful. I had a really bad pimple.

Friend 1: Well you can't let that ruin your whole night can you?

Friend 2: You don't understand, it was an Indian Pimple. Her parents think it was some kind of joke.

Friend 1: That's gold dude!
by AuthenticJay170 July 9, 2014
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a pimple on your nipple and when you pop it you experience extreme orgasm
by nioo July 12, 2014
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n. Mythical creature who visits teenagers at night and touches their faces with her zit wand.

Wow. Looks like someone had a visit from the pimple fairy.

I will cut you. I swear to God.
by gnostic 1 January 18, 2013
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A rare, but possible, occurrence in which one has matching pimples on either cheek where dimples would normally be. This is seen mostly in teenagers.
Guy 1: Oh my god! What cute dimples that girl has!
Guy 2: Whoa back off! Those aren't real dimples - they're pimple dimples!
by biggcath February 6, 2011
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