Chess term. Putting Pressure on the Pinned piece. When you put pressure (attack, fork etc) on a piece pinned to another piece.
Hey! What are you doing, that looses a Knight! It also misses an opportunity to PP on the PP!
"What the hell do you mean PP on the PP!?!?, I thought Chess was a family friendly game!!!"
"Its not penis on the penis, its Put Pressure on the Pinned piece, or in this context Putting Pressure on the Pinned Piece, idiot!!!"
by juniper albatross May 14, 2023
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PP stands for big penis, pp stands for small penis. Orgin-Pewdiepie lwiay
He/She/They/It has a PP-pp
Kevin has a PP maybe a pp
by Egamergirl69 September 2, 2021
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Put Pressure on the Pinned Piece

DEFINITELY nothing else ~
Levi Rozzman: "As you can see, in this position you can do danger levels, but if you danger the levels your levels can get dangered, because here the opponent can Put PP on the PP."
Viewer : "Top 10 sexy anime plot twists."
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a pp has a very complex meaning to any child, for those who are simple minded the pp is just a body part, however those who have truly experienced tranquility will understand the true pp and the true meaning of why pp hard.
by Spoopy Chicken October 3, 2018
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1. A man's penis
2. A bird's primaries (wingtips)
3. Used when referencing multiple pages
1. My pp started throbbing when a hot chick walked by
2. A Hammond's Flycatcher has longer pp than a Dusky Flycatcher
3. Chapter 12 (pp. 122-137) of the book explains proper masturbation techniques
by (****()) August 30, 2022
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male's genitals, if you're a male look between your legs and the dangly looking thing there is called "PP"
"you have small PP"
by chinchin99cm January 27, 2020
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