Said in a mocking tone to indicate that someone is being ignorant. Similar to “no shit, Sherlock!”.
Oh, hur dur! Why didn’t we think of that sooner!?
by Splasphemy April 25, 2023
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Er Dur (A mix of the words Erm and Dur); A Phrase used when confused or to conclude a statement.
What’s 1 + 1 ?”
“It’s obviously 2, er dur
by GigaChadGab™️ December 30, 2022
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-A shorter and simpler way of saying,"They took our jobs." Mainly used by pissed off rednecks who lost their jobs to cheap laboring illegal immigrants.

-Although often shunned by the mainstream media for it's lack of sophistication, it is still widely used amongst rednecks and common towns-folk.
1st Pissed off Redneck-"They tuuk aur juuubbs!"

2nd Pissed off Redneck-"They tuuk yur juuubb!"

3rd Pissed off(slightly confused)Redneck-"Aderka Dur!"
by Carlos Nolguen February 22, 2008
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the derpiness of the herp sauce of derp dauces, not quite herp derp yet herpie enough to be hur dur (not to be confused with herpies)
by Skrilleverybody August 17, 2011
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1. a musical key in which many syllables in a song are replaced by dur or ur
...Hey Durd, Durn't make it burd. Turk a Sad surng and make it burrter
by Lex February 18, 2005
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Ha Dur is a Secret language for two girls named Ashawna M. And Brianna M.
Ha dur is basically a language no one knows so if u wanna say words u. Have to say it like ur gonna say the word
by Ha dur? June 3, 2018
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