Nicola is a powerful female who radiates love & strength. Has no idea how beautiful she is. Sex symbol because she's fucking sexy!
Hey look! There's a Nicola whose fucking sexy.
The powerful Nicola only knows how to love & survive.
by Keenanswarts August 12, 2018
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Nicolas are pure amazing people. They like being taller than people (typically taller than Charlottes) and they also like cooking, which they do well and the occasional standing on skateboards. They're really pretty and awesome and most of the time, Nicolas radiate shinings of awesomeness that are equal to the sun. If you stand close to a Nicola, you will be bathed in her golden glow of amazingness.
"Wow, is that girl a Nicola?"
"Oh yeah, she is, wish she was my friend."
by AWESOME CHILD September 11, 2012
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Nicola is unique, a different girl, loves to laugh, knows how to make people laugh. loves accents, and is a bit slow. random, good dresser, and music obsessed. pretty (:
That girl is so funny, she such a Nicola.
by JayBeeBitch September 25, 2010
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Nicola is a sweet girl that you'd be lucky to be friends with. she will always care about you even if you don't care about her. she will make you feel happy when your sad, and she will support you to the end of the earth. she loves video games and hates dresses. you'd be so lucky if you were a friend of Nicola.
"Nicola is so nice!"
by (ಥ _ ಥ) February 25, 2021
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A smart, sophisticated, young lady, with a great sense of humour and is really pretty!
Oh yeah, Nicola cracked me up today!
by Rachel Fraser June 10, 2011
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a lady with a great shape and pretty and nice ,sweet,caring, and funny. But also if you mess with her you will get your ass beat.
by mya12345678 July 2, 2011
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