A person who detests ice cream.
What?! That dude hates ice cream?? What a nazi.
by Pink Starburst June 12, 2017
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Use to be peace and love.
Now it's what almost caused the fall of the poor, innocent Jews.
Fuck you, Hitler.
Christy: *puts up a Nazi flag* now the neighbors will know we want to get along!
by Sir FiddleSticks June 26, 2018
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Anyone who disagrees with you on anything. The word has lost all meaning to people just throwing it out at random people on reddit, tumblr, and twitter. It no longer means you believe in the word of Nazism, but more you don't believe in things like dreamgender, other opinions, or otherwise.
Person 1: Hey did you hear about Popular person on twitter?
Person 2: Yeah that Nazi decided to post some less than ideal shit.
Person 1: Nazi's killed millions, they weren't called that because they didn't agree with someone online.
by 2zsl June 11, 2021
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a person who hates jews, a christian(who hates jews), george bush, rosie o donnel and canadian sphincter suckkers
bob:"i hate jews, because of my small penis!!". gary: dont be a fucking nazi! go fuck hitler with ur anus!!
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Anyone who is associated with the nazi regime or andy perreault of grand falls
I'm about to unleash my french and nazi side on your ass!
by Nicolas Olmstead June 3, 2005
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Anyone who disagrees with me. Nazis are evil motherfuckers that is literally anyone who disagrees with me.
Person: I hate anime

Me: You’re such a Nazi
by Papi Stalin December 9, 2018
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