Pronunciation: \muhn`-king\
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English munuc, from Late Latin monachus, from Late Greek monachos, from Greek, adjective, single, from monos single, alone. Dervied from the American sitcom "Monk".
Date: 2006

1. To engage in a psychologically induced state of complete uncomfortability, often brought on by stresses such as; heat, lack of food, awkward social encounters, germs, etc.
2. Another term for a panic attack induced by social anxiety and/or physical surroundings.
3. To display symptoms of OCD, social anxiety disorder, or any other number of psychological disorders displayed by fictional detective Adrian Monk on the popular American television mystery sitcom Monk.
4. An extreme state of paranoia in which one feels as if all surrounding humans are looking at him/her in a negative demeanor.

Chris: "It is so hot in here I can feel the sweat dripping down my back."
Brett: "Yes and this cashier is taking forever, and the peasants waiting in line with us reak of unsanitary conditions"
Chris: "YES! And they are all looking at us."
Brett: "Forget this dude, I'm MONKING!"
(Drops all groceries where they stand and the two head for the door.)
by Chris & Brett July 11, 2008
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by Emerson-is-gay March 15, 2021
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Colloquialism for any non-human primate. Usually used for meme purposes but can be used to avoid confusion in identifying monkey and ape species.
by BarryBBensonsdad November 5, 2020
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high powered being who is smart and big brain annd is litteraly morepower gud
monke is good
by monnke February 2, 2021
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monke ride wife. monke happy. wife fight back. kill wife. monke sad. *dies of rock*
by Berriesisjoupappa February 27, 2021
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monke is funnie
i love monke
by monkebanana January 6, 2021
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