The reflection of an unlit computer screen after it is accidentally or unwillingly shutdown while you're in front of it, giving you a chance to rethink your life as you see your self.
My laptop screen turned off once in the middle of watching and I saw my own horrible jerk-off face in the black mirror.

I stopped and really thought about my life.... Then plugged my computer in and picked up where I left off.
by GreyPoupon102797 January 19, 2017
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An error seen in 3-D videogames in which a certain spot fails to render, which makes the game simply re-render whatever was in view there last. The repeating image seen in place of what should be there is the Hall of Mirrors error.
Multiple Halls of Mirrors is usually a sure sign of a newbie mapper.
by Nimbostratus February 11, 2005
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A pimple so big that when you pop it, it spews out onto the mirror.
That giant pimple is gonna be a mirror slapper for sure.
by PESHI August 31, 2022
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pleasing yourself infront of the mirror (sexually) often for the benefit of yourself and sometimes others. people have the incentive to carry out a mirror wank because they find themself aesthetically pleasing. however it is advised not to do this infront of crazy mirrors as this could cause a false sense of confidence or a feeling of belittlement depending on the convexity of the mirror.
'hey bro, i just had an awesome mirror wank'
by joshco95 November 11, 2013
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1. To give up blow

2. An act or illusion performed using mirrors.

3. Aerosmith's 1985 album, which marked the return of guitarist Joe Perry.
by igotatreemonmyhouse1980 May 10, 2014
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when two sets of partners are engaging in doggy-style intercourse. The key is symmetry, as each pair faces one another, the females proceed to make out while the male counter-parts slap fives in celebration
Dude I heard frank and tom pulled a sweet mirror of shame last night on those asian twins.
by Mot Noslo November 14, 2006
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Mirror pronouns are often used by people that are comfortable with any pronouns, but prefer for you to use your own pronouns when talking about them.
A: I use mirror pronouns.

G: What's that?

A: I means you use your pronouns for me.

G: oh ok cool!

She/her (X uses she/her pronouns)

X: She was having a great time at the wedding, she was so fun to be around.

He/him (G uses he/him pronouns)

G: Look at him, he's winning the game!

They/they (H uses they/them pronouns)

H: They should be fine with the birthday party.

It/its (T uses it/its pronouns)

T: It should be here soon, don't worry, it won't forget to come.

Xe/xem (O uses xe/xem pronouns)

O: I told you xe would like ice cream, but no, now xer sad. Look what you did!
by Nopenopeinope October 2, 2021
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