A beautiful shy girl. sometimes outgoing and has amazing hair.
person 1: ' 'who is that girl with the amazing hair'

Person2: ''that's leslie''
by Xxchocolatelover December 22, 2017
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Alright hoes, lesly is fucking amazing and she cares so much about the ppl that show the same energy back to her. SHE IS SO SWEET AND ADORABLE!! she loves being alone but doesn’t like being lonely and she will do anything in her power to keep her close friends happy. she’s good at keeping secrets and she won’t ever do anything to hurt you. she’s amazing and if you’re dating a lesly than you’re one of the luckiest people in the world!!
yo ur dating lesly? ur so lucky.
by marii-1600 April 28, 2020
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A sweet, kind, angel of a girl. She's beautiful and just has good intentions for everyone. Radiates beauty and kindness. wishes they could do drugs but they don't. Often times wants to be high on Xanax. Loves sunsets and boys with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. Just wants to paint and be loved. Dog lover, likes memes and weird aesthetics. Wants to lowkey be a hoe. Just beautiful in every way, an angel, a heavenly, blissful angel.
Lesly just wants to be loved
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A girl that is always fed up with life
by hihi242 March 15, 2017
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Very protective over the ones they love. Will go out of the way to help anyone. Big hearts. But VERY wild. Party animals..HUGE Freak in the bed room. Talented in many ways.
I wanna party with... Leslie.
by Lulu_Skye95 December 21, 2016
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a bad bitch who gets her heart broken often and is inlove with a guy who will never love her back. thats tuff huh? she only has a couple of close friends and those friends are all she needs. she gets played a lot but whose tripping? usually leslie is lmao. has had a rough past but that has never stopped her. she is smart, loyal, funny, and overall fun. leslie is an amazing friend. she is sensitive tho.
"you see leslie"


"thats the baddest bitch out there"

"i know she is she a baddie"
by guccigang11 April 10, 2018
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Lesli is a very beautiful person energetic she could be a nigga hanging out with other niggas every Lesli need a Sandra in their life the most loyal friend you'll have
by Nigganigganiggabruh October 29, 2015
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