Omg, that girl is such a Kacie bt. Whenever I'm around her it feels like I've watched way to many cartoons.
by dothebunnyfoofoo August 4, 2011
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A girl who is very bored at the moment. She is very outgoing and she loves anime. She also likes cats and art. If you are friends with her you are either very lucky or very traumatized. She cannot be trusted.
“Wow Kacie Wiertel is a great artist!”
“No she isn’t
by Kacie Wiertel February 11, 2018
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a girl that knows how to party and have a good time

she may not be a stick but she can definatly get the guys into her feelings when she is drunk very loveable she is the best kinda friend to have
she definatly got a booty
guy1: "man dude you see kacy faucette over there she hot!"
guy2: "imma have to agree man we should party with her we can hear some deep stuff>"
by evenflobabe April 5, 2010
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When you pretend someone sat on your lap
Kacy may sat on my lap in maccies
by TheoriesForYou October 19, 2019
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The act of being dominated by chick who might be a dude in a mask.
"Dude what happened last night"
"Idk man, I think I got a dirty kacie"
by Molly3way June 10, 2020
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Someone who is really confident and thinks they could have you and says:

The game is the game

He is small and but his confidence makes up for it😎👍
That kid does mma he is such a Kacy mma
*Looks down*
“Hey kacy what you up to”
Kacy:”mma the game is the game
“Riiightt whatever you say man”
by ANDWHaT!!!??? April 20, 2023
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